Faith and family are my life. They define who I am , who I aspire to be, and inform my purpose. I could tell you I am a wife, a mother, and a therapist. I could even list my accomplishments, but so what. What I really want you to know is that I am a woman who wants to reach other women to discuss the Realness of Womanhood…the blessings, the curses, the good and bad, the hilarious moments and the times you just long to get in your car and drive to no where.

I hope to create a space where women like you can read stories they resonate with, access useful articles and tips and most of all that this blog becomes a time in your day or week to take a breath, curl up with a cup of tea or glass of wine and take a moment just for you.

My name is Christina and as you get to know me, I hope to get to know you too…to EntertainInform and Encourage you. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and sharing it with others.

Relatable stories, articles and tips that encourage, inform and entertain.


Article Directory

  • Before we are able to express our pain and heal from it, we must acknowledge the root cause. Long before police brutality made it onto the news and cell phone videos of racist incidents went viral, I was tired, fatigued down to my core. When well meaning colleagues would ask how I was doing or if there was anything they could do following the murder of George Floyd, I did not know how to answer those questions. Honestly, I was even a bit vexed by them, since these issues were nothing new. In conversations I’ve had with colleagues since then I voiced the need for a recognition that things have never been okay and a commitment to taking action and engaging in ongoing learning.

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  • When you think back to your childhood or adolescence, can you remember something that was said to you, that hurt you deeply? Many of us may not even have to think back that far. Maybe you were the one who inflicted pain on someone else by something you said and wish you could take back.

    It can be very difficult to forget certain experiences, especially the ones that get lodged in our memories perhaps through some emotional tie. Words can be like that…whether tear-jerkingly heart warming, hysterically funny or mean-spirited and gut wrenching, they tend to stay with us. Even when you’ve forgiven someone for something that was said, you often can’t forget the words or the emotions they left behind. You may even develop a wall of defenses aimed at preventing a hurt like that from happening again.

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  • Adulthood teaches us that fairy tales don’t exist and happily ever after is not everyone’s reality. But most optimists probably hope for it anyway.

    Relationships are hard work and many become disillusioned, disappointed and disgusted when things don’t go as they expected or hoped.

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  • Definition: Satisfactory, adequate, adequately good for the circumstances

    Who defines what is good enough to you? Your friends, family, boss, co-workers, significant other, your church?

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  • It has been hard to sleep. So many thoughts swimming in my mind. My heart and soul are restless. How does a mother protect her precious black boys in a world that so easily discards and villainizes them? At what point does their cuteness and innocence turn into threat and fear? It’s a harsh reality that our children black and white are aware of race and racial differences much earlier in life than we realize. At first, color is just color but slowly meaning and value are attached to colors.

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  • After having my first child I was not surprised that I was absolutely exhausted. I don’t mean just take a nap and you’ll be completely refreshed, kind of tired. This was an entirely new kind of fatigue like nothing I had ever experienced. Endless hours of studying in grad school had not prepared me for this, not even 40 weeks of pregnancy!

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  • Like the uncomfortable bra digging into the sides of your chest or the supposedly “barely there” underwear you paid extra for, that somehow keeps riding up….women are used to dealing with discomfort.

    Many of us have 1 or 2 dresses in the back of our closets that’s just a little too tight, but we wouldn’t dare give it up. We know there will come a day when we will be able to squeeze ourselves into it. Whether we can eat or breathe while wearing it, is another story.

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  • Do you ever wonder what you’re supposed to be doing with your life? If you’re doing what you are meant to do? At least every few years I ask myself if I’m fulfilling my passion. It’s easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel of working 9 to 5 to pay bills. But life is much more than that.

    Joyce Meyer, evangelist and author, once said, “you have to separate your who from your do”. This is so true. Your job is not who you are and it may or may not have anything to do with your purpose.

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