
Do you ever wonder what you’re supposed to be doing with your life? If you’re doing what you are meant to do? At least every few years I ask myself if I’m fulfilling my passion. It’s easy to get stuck on the hamster wheel of working 9 to 5 to pay bills. But life is much more than that.

Joyce Meyer, evangelist and author, once said, “you have to separate your who from your do”. This is so true. Your job is not who you are and it may or may not have anything to do with your purpose.

This may sound morbid but every so often I wonder what people will say about me when I’m gone. What will be my legacy? How would I have impacted those around me? It’s our responsibility to answer these questions for ourselves.

When you have no idea how to answer these questions, it’s time to examine your narrative. What hurts or hurdles have you gone through that have shaped who you are? Our purpose is most often attached to our pain. We experience things in this life not only for our growth or benefit but to help guide others who may experience something similar. 

Don’t let the rest of 2020 fly by without examining these questions for yourself. You were born to fulfill a very specific purpose that only YOU can accomplish. You owe it to yourself and the world.  What you may think is small or insignificant could be just the thing that could set someone else free and enable them to live out their purpose.  Here are some links to help you get started: https://www.sloww.co/purpose-driven-life-book/ , https://joycemeyer.org/everydayanswers/ea-teachings/discover-who-god-created-you-to-be-part-1, https://joycemeyer.org/dailydevo/2019/02/0203-finding-your-destiny, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/tracking-wonder/201712/how-seek-purpose-less-anxiety

“Figure out what you need to do to be the heroine of your own story” (Ava Duvernay).


Too Tight